R & D: D-Wave Quantum Computer Room - NASA ARC
D-Wave Quantum Computer Room at NASA Ames research Center, Moffett Field, California. AECOM. Project Architect: David Crawford. Azita Firouzi, Structural Engineer.
NASA Ames Research Center: D-Wave Quantum Computer
Project Architect
Design: 2012, construction: 2012
Site Location: NASA Ames research Center
Project Architect
Design: 2012, construction: 2012
Site Location: NASA Ames research Center
NASA’s Quantum Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (QuAIL) team will lead efforts, studying in depth the performance power of the D-Wave Two quantum-annealing computer for solving hard optimization problems. This 512 qubit machine was recently installed at NASA Ames in partnership with Google and USRA. It is hosted now in a specially shielded room in the NASA Advanced Supercomputing (NAS), with the processor maintained in a protected state vacuum at a temperature of a few tens of milliKelvin.